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Portable Network Graphic  |  1992-01-01  |  28KB  |  752x576  |  8-bit (17 colors)
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OCR: General 2.1 Disk Layout Changes Some changes were made to the Workbench disk layout in 2.1. There are a few reasons for this: - Need to accomodate localization - Need to accomodate CrossDOS - Attempt to simplify user's lifes Getting everything to fit on the disks The changes include: The 2. 1 system software will be shipped on FFS floppies. This is mainly to increase available storage. There is now a Prefs drawer on the Extras disk. This is where all the prefs editors are located. The Prefs drawer is maintained on the Workbench disk only to store ENVARC: Page! Article! 2. 1 Workbench, The Mistake AL/TO